At WIDMO, we are constantly seeking out new ways to push the boundaries of what is possible with our technology.
We believe that by working together with like-minded companies and organizations, we can achieve even greater success and impact in the world.
If you are interested in exploring potential collaboration opportunities, we would love to hear from you. Let’s make a difference together.
WIDMO CITIES: Providing complete subsurface information of the urban areas [EN]
WIDMO Cities is a breakthrough, non-invasive solution for the cities and companies within the construction sector. WIDMO Cities will provide access to very high-precision subterranean information (geology, utilities, and underground infrastructure location). This information can be used two folds: 1. To determine the exact location of the gas pipe, waterways, and electric cables at the project planning stage 2. To establish the geological profile and recognize possible landslides and sink holes hazards. WIDMO Cities has the technology that allows for rapid gathering and processing of the described information giving any stakeholder incredibly easy access to the needed data. This not only significantly decreases the risk and cost of construction but also alleviates safety hazards associated with geological faults. WIDMO Cities will be a global one-stop shop for everything that lies underground. We will revolutionize the construction surveying industry and improve public safety.
Total budget: € 2 950 625
EU contribution: € 5 500 950
Field Quantum Gravity Sensors [EN]
Gravimetry aims at unveiling the density structure of the undergrounds by measuring subtle changes of the local gravity acceleration. The first-generation of quantum gravity sensors (QGs) has received a strong interest from many customers, and the market is still growing. But the commercial potential and the positive-impact of the technology are not yet fully exploited because of several limitations such as transportability, robustness, user-friendless or high operation costs. To overcome the barriers that limit the operational utilization of field gravimetry and develop the solutions that will allow us to fully address the exploitable market, we propose to conduct in FIQUgS the development of several innovations, either at the technological level with improved QGs built upon a reliable and efficient supply chain, or in terms of operational methodology.
The development of a next generation QGs product line, and the services associated for the conduction of field surveys, data acquisition and data inversion will allow to considerably develop our capability to address the market of advanced geophysics. The unique industrial and technological capabilities that will result from FIQUgS will positively contribute to several important societal objectives, especially the European Green Deal:
– the new field QGs will allow for a reduction of the environmental impact associated to mining activities thanks to a reduction of drilling operations, and civil engineering where it will contribute to more efficient and resilient constructions.
– they will contribute to an improved utilization of geothermal energies through the development of non-invasive monitoring capabilities of the energy reservoir.
– they will be involved in CO2 storage operations and will contribute to the fight against global warming thanks to these advanced monitoring capabilities.
FIQUgS will also have an impact in quantum technologies markets, such as high-performance navigation or advanced photonics.
Total cost: € 6 810 870
WIDMO’s net EU contribution: € 658 036,75
WIDMO’s own funding: € 282 015,75
Grant Agreement ID: 101080144
Read about project in CORDIS:
Field Quantum Gravity Sensors
Nowatorski system informatyczny oparty o pełnofalowe modelowanie EM podłoża geofizycznego z zastosowaniem techniki uczenia maszynowego bazującego na uniwersalnej platformie SDR z zastosowaniem georadaru FMCW [PL]
Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach konkursu „Szybka ścieżka” dla mikro-, małych i średnich przedsiębiorców – konkurs dla projektów z regionów słabiej rozwiniętych
SGPR.TECH Sp. z o. o. realizuje projekt :
„Nowatorski system informatyczny oparty o pełnofalowe modelowanie EM podłoża geofizycznego z zastosowaniem techniki uczenia maszynowego bazującego na uniwersalnej platformie SDR z zastosowaniem georadaru FMCW”
w ramach Działania 1.1: Projekty B+R przedsiębiorstw Poddziałanie 1.1.1 Badania przemysłowe i prace rozwojowe realizowane przez przedsiębiorstwa Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020
Wartość projektu: 8 447 815.35 zł
Wartość dofinansowania: 6 371 909.04 zł
Nr Umowy: POIR.01.01.01-00-1451/19
Instytucja pośrednicząca: Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (
Wsparcie Projektów badawczo – rozwojowych w fazie preseed przez fundusze typu proof of concept – BRIdge Alfa [PL]
SGPR.TECH Sp. z o. o. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich z Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój, Poddziałanie 1.3.1. Wsparcie Projektów badawczo – rozwojowych w fazie preseed przez fundusze typu proof of concept – BRIdge Alfa. Celem projektu jest prowadzenie prac B+R w obszarach rozwoju technologii georadarowych.
Wartość projektu: 1 000 000 zł
Wartość dofinansowania: 800 000 zł
Instytucja pośrednicząca: Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 888290 [EN]
“Breakthrough technology for examining of the subsurface, based on the self-designed SGPR radar as well as the geophysical processing software”
We are excited to announce that we received a 50k EUR grant from the European Commission and joined 96 other Polish companies that are funded through Horizon 2020 SME Instrument – and became part of the largest EU Research and Innovation programme. It is especially good news considering a 4% success rate for SME Instrument in Poland in previous years.
Read about our project in CORDIS:
Painting a ‘full colour’ picture of what lies hidden beneath the ground

EIT RawMaterials Booster programme [EN]
“SGPR.TECH 3d modeling simulations used for acceleration of development and deployment of fully functional modelling software”
Grant provided by EIT as part of Booster programme will be used to advance the development of our analytical software.
EIT RawMaterials, part of EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology), a body of the European Union, is the largest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide. Its vision is to develop raw materials into a major strength for Europe by driving innovation, education and entrepreneurship.